-Delia Herman, Hoggard HS
If you're looking for motivation, inspiration, or innovation look no further than your cell phone's podcast app. Podcasts can offer teachers a fresh, positive outlook on their classroom in as little as 10 minutes. You can listen to podcasts on your commute to work, or while you take a walk to decompress after a long day. The podcasts below are for teachers of all grade levels and subjects.
Although Angela Watson is no longer a classroom teacher, it is clear she still understands the realities classroom teachers face every day. She provides practical tips for making any classroom more efficient and helps to lift teachers' spirits and prepare them for the challenges that lay ahead. This podcast is helpful for teachers who are naturally anxious. Topics range from prioritizing teaching tasks to turning anxiety into enthusiasm. Posted every Sunday at noon, I recommend this podcast as a way to gear up for the start of the work week.
- Motivational Monday
- Tech Tool Tuesday
- Wonderful Wednesday
- Thought Leader Thursday
- 5 Idea Friday
Pick an episode that pertains to your specific subject, or listen to a podcast each day of the week. There are so many episodes that you can find one no matter what kind of professional development you're interested in.
This is not an educational podcast, but I find it helpful in remaining calm and centered when caught up in the daily struggles of teaching. Brach explains how to trust your basic goodness and manage your stress. Some episodes are short meditations, others are hour long talks. I recommend this podcast for teachers who need some help stepping outside of the daily demands of the job to remember the bigger picture.
Here, Laura Randazzo, high school English teacher and blogger, discusses how she uses podcasts in her English language arts classroom to cover the speaking and listening standards. I haven't used these lessons but would love to know what you think.
Have you used podcasts in your classroom? Let me know in the comments section below.
Happy listening!
I'd love for you to add some of your favorite podcasts for teachers on the Padlet below.
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