Saturday, April 29, 2017

The Magic of Blended Learning: Part III (Implementation)

by Emily Perez, Laney HS

Check out Part I (overview) and Part II (Why it Works) of the Magic of Blended Learning blog posts. Now let's jump into part III, how to implement blended learning.

Listed below is my arsenal to be used to create those warm, fuzzy teacher moments, particularly when facilitating a blended learning lesson:

  • Expectations. In the beginning of the year, I always make it a priority to explicitly tell my students what my expectations are for them as participants in whole class and small group activities. On blended learning days, I review those expectations with them again. That way, students are clear as to what is and is not considered acceptable behavior. To further drive my point, I project a PowerPoint slide of “Stations Do’s and Don’ts” and “Participation Norms.” Trust me, they get the message.

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Listen Up: 3 Podcasts Every Teacher Can Learn From

-Delia Herman, Hoggard HS

If you're looking for motivation, inspiration, or innovation look no further than your cell phone's podcast app. Podcasts can offer teachers a fresh, positive outlook on their classroom in as little as 10 minutes. You can listen to podcasts on your commute to work, or while you take a walk to decompress after a long day. The podcasts below are for teachers of all grade levels and subjects.

Monday, April 17, 2017

The Magic of Blended Learning: Part II (Why it Works)

-Emily Perez, Laney HS

In my previous blog post, I reflected on my journey and ultimate acceptance of using blended learning in the secondary ELA classroom. While it is not necessary to use blended learning every day (by any means), it is a nice way to periodically break up the monotony of whole-class review, discussion, and introductions to a topic. Additionally, you might experience some of these “happy teacher moments” in the process: