Monday, October 9, 2017

Pineapple Tidbits: Episode 1: a little of this and a little of that

-by Susan Hitt

One of the reasons I started this blog was to foster collaboration among fellow teachers by providing them a platform to share their successes in the classroom. Another reason I wanted to start this blog is that there is So.Much.Good.Stuff out there in the land of the Internet! Every time I check Twitter or my email I'm inundated by the latest and greatest TedTalks, YouTube videos, educational newsletters & blog posts all filled with tips and tricks for the classroom.

Don't get me wrong, having so much information at my fingertips is amazing. I remember those old card catalog days, laboriously sifting through hundreds of cards with tiny print which then sent me on a scavenger hunt around the library. Thankfully, now, with just a few keystrokes and a wifi connection, I can access with ease whatever topic for which I'm currently seeking more information. 

So welcome to a new series I hope to feature frequently: Pineapple Tidbits.  A place for me to highlight some of the useful, inspiring, motivating, and interesting articles and videos I come across as I traverse the Internet aka the World Wide Web aka the virtual universe consisting of all that we might need to know and all that we never even knew we needed to know. Easy desserts in a coffee mug? Yes, please! 

I'm sure you know how easy it is to fall into the rabbit hole of a well-intentioned Google search.  A quick search for a lesson on "Cask of Amontillado" turns into time spent looking at harrowing pictures of catacombs. That search sends you to YouTube where you watch a crew of spirit seekers search for restless souls. This somehow reminds you that your hall light is out and next thing you know instead of planning a lesson on "Cask of Amontillado" you're on Amazon buying light bulbs. Time is short my friends, and before we know it that well-intentioned Google search has ended with reading about a little of this and a little of that and buying that lightbulb to light the way. 

Now, that's enough rambling. Let's focus back on Pineapple Tidbits. As I've mentioned on this blog before, Pineapples are the universal sign for welcome. But not only do they symbolize all readers are welcome here, let's face it: Pineapples are pretty darn tasty! 

So once a week or so I'll curate a small variety of articles and videos I think might be inspiring,  motivating, surprising, & educating. It's easy to get overwhelmed with all the resources and information at our fingertips--hence resulting in falling down that aforementioned Google rabbit hole. So this is me, trying to help the readers of Education Celebration navigate through the educational garden called the Internet and find the tastiest tidbits. 

So without further ado, here are this week's Pineapple Tidbits: 

Love google drive, but have a hard time organizing it and finding certain files? Watch this quick four-minute clip filled from start to finish with tips and tricks to navigate and organize your Google drive. 

Dealing with Undeserved Blame: Frustrated with being blamed for something that's not your fault? This article by Justin McCollum (featured on Jennifer Gonzolez's blog Cult of Pedagogy) features 6 great tips for when you're the focus of the "blame game."

Breakout Boxes are all the rage right now. Though fun and engaging for students, it can be costly for the teacher to gather the needed boxes and locks. This teacher created an ELA Escape Room that began with the standards and ended with high student engagement--no expensive locks needed. #winwin

We all know that in a successful ELA classroom, quick, intentional feedback is key. However, finding the time to make it happen can be tricky. Here's a combo blog post and video from author Catlin Tucker: Faster Feedback: Create Editing Shortcuts in Google Docs 

And finally, a little English teacher humor: (image via Twitter)

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